Design proposal for Art Cards Ireland

My publisher Art Cards Ireland asked me to come up with a design proposal for a new range of occasion cards, specifically a birthday card and a wedding card. The designs feature a dinosaur based on some dinosaur character design I had been working on. I provided a choice of fonts along with a fonts style sheet for each card.

Birthday card

Wedding card

 Mockups for a desktop website for my Diploma project for the Higher Diploma in Human-Computer Interaction and User experience - 2021/2022


Sign in/Register page

Shopping page

Menu page

Biscuits page

Check out page

Payment page

Confirmation page

Mockups for a mobile app for my Diploma project for the Higher Diploma in Human-Computer Interaction and User experience - 2021/2022


Sign in/Register page

Shopping page

Menu page

Biscuits page

Check out page

Payment page

Confirmation page

Mobile app Mockups/High fidelity wireframes made with Adobe XD and Balsamiq

Mobile app Mockups/High fidelity wireframes made with Adobe XD and Balsamiq

3D designs for a virtual environment for my Higher Diploma in Human-Computer Interaction and User experience - 2021/2022

Furniture shop made in Visual Studio Code with A-frame

VR environment of the scene

3D model Dinosaur made in Blender 2.9

3D model dinosaur made in Blender 2.9 view 2

3D model sofa made in Blender 2.9

 Team project for my Higher Diploma in Human-Computer Interaction and User experience - 2021/2022

For more information about the project, please check the UX design portfolio tab.

UI Mock up pages of a desktop utility web app

These mock up pages were done in Adobe XD. At first I came up with the pink and purple scheme but the rest of team preferred darker colours so I proposed a few more colour schemes they could choose from.

Sign up/Log in page

User profile edit page

Search users page

Checking a user profile page

Messaging a user with pop-up window page

Menu view page

Log out page

Blue and purple colour scheme

Blue and purple colour scheme with logo heading variation

Light grey background colour scheme

Green and dark blue colour scheme

Maynooth university colour scheme

Projects for, a web development company based in Dublin, Ireland - 2021

They include research, site analysis, benchmarking, wireframing for UI purposes mainly however I also keep the UX in mind, Mocking up new concept designs, Re-designing features, tabs, web pages, creating logos and graphic images for websites.

Video game UI and prototype for Zakki, a charity based in Indonesia - 2021

This is a project I did in collaboration with a team remotely while being in Ireland , however I did most of the graphics including the characters. I volunteered for a charity called Zakki based in Indonesia to help them create a video game to educate the young people. I worked mostly on the graphics and UI and made a prototype out of the UI screens.

The prototype ends at the ‘Play’ button that is not clickable. You will need to click the buttons to go through the screens and if you click anywhere in the screen , it will highlight the areas that are clickable.

UI video game screens

Play screen 16.jpg
Play screen 15.jpg

Animated background game screens

Done on inDesign


Character design

As part of the UI , I dealt with graphics too and designed the video game character in collaboration with a colleague. who designed the body and I designed the clothes. He then left the company and I traced his original designs; the body and hair of the character including the body parts and used them to make different actions for the character. I also designed a new face, and all the clothings. They are traditional clothings of Indonesia, India and Japan.

characters in action.jpg
Characters in action Japan and India clothings.jpg

3D environment designs - 2022

As part of projects for my Higher Diploma in Human-Computer-Interaction and User experience.

Making a 3D scene on Blender 2.9

Making a 3D scene on Blender 2.9

Making a 3D scene on Blender 2.9

Making a 3D scene on Blender 2.9

Making a 3D scene using HTML with a-frame

Making a 3D scene using HTML with a-frame